Class Drafts TTT

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Oct. 31, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.       Language skills: speaking, listening
2.       Didactics: practice, discussion

TIME management:

1) Greetings
2) Language skills: speaking, listening
3) Didactics: teaching an item
4) Didactics: course design, significant learning
5) Didactics: methods
Total 270

Present:  7 participants 
Absent: 4 participants
INTRODUCING Greeting words
a)      Warm up: Tongue twisters: fat frog, woodchuck
b)      Planning. Video recording: The actual class in October-November

2)      Participants turn: practice. Teaching an item (about 20 min., individual task by participants) 6 participants
5 x 45  min
3)      Didactics:
-          Item design in four steps
-          Course gap, design with three basic questions (What? Why? How?)
-          Cultural Iceberg HO
30 min
4)      Homework: analyses of teaching items according to item design in four steps. Post in blog.

Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Oct. 24, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.       Language skills: speaking, listening
2.       Didactics: practice, discussion

Present:  7 participants 
Absent: 4 participants
INTRODUCING Greeting words: Ursula
a)      Warm up: 2 Tongue twisters
2)      Participants turn: practice: teaching an item (about 20 min, individual task by participants), 2 participants
65 min
3)      Didactics:
-          Five stages of a teacher´s professional development;
-          Three aspects in learning process (hand, head, heart) and 5 basic psychological needs in learning environment;
-          Tell a metaphor as a learning method with impact on fast mind and learning environment.

90 min
4)      Terminology (referring back to the discussion about ’prelim’ and other education-related terms).
Let’s take a look at the homepages of our own institutions, bearing in mind an English-speaking student.
What kind of information would a foreign student need to find?
Discussion, the ideas on whiteboard and in blog.
TTK, EMU and Security homepages studied – participants choose, which one and may re-group, if needed (for each home page there has to be at least one of their own institution).
Extra - if possible, take a look at a homepage of a similar institution.
Google Drive: Spreadsheet for specific phrases
Google Drive: Questionnaire

5)      Homework:  Planning. Video recording: The actual class in October-November

Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Oct. 17, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.       Language skills: speaking, listening
2.       Didactics; practice, discussion

TIME management:

1) Greetings
2) Language skills: speaking, listening
3) Didactics: teaching an item
4) Didactics: course design, significant learning
5) Institutional homepages: information for foreign students
Total 270

Present: 8 participants 
Absent: 3 participants
INTRODUCING Greeting words: Ursula
a)      Warm up: Chant Twelve Cans of Tunafish Rag (HO)
b)      Pair work: ’customize’ the poem – change some words and phrases
c)      Vocabulary: food and containers
           Scroll down for lots of packs and containers

2)      Tips for everyday work
a)      Tips by participants: (gmail access): slides, questionnaire, questionnaire, penultimate: visuals, brainstorm
b)      Text slides: how to organise text so that the learner would not be distracted and could focus on the task: highlight, underline, white color, duplicate slide. Ursula

3)      Participants turn: practice: teaching an item (about 10 min., individual task by participants), 1 participant
4)      Preparation for teaching a longer item (about 20 min), in small groups (pairs or 3 persons). The participants present and discuss their material.

1)      Learning method: speed dating
Text „Is it good for people to fail occasionally?“ HO
Do you agree with the article? Find keywords.
2)      Based on L. Dee Fink video about 'significant learning experience':
             Learning method:  
a)      Answer the quiz (HO)
-          individually
                   - in groups (2-3), scratching
b)      discussion of the method

3)      Homework:
a)      Preparing for the 20 min item-teaching. Preparation for presentation (explanation, demonstration) of the item in groups in the class.


Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Oct. 3, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.       Language skills: speaking, listening
2.       Didactics; practice, discussion

TIME management:

1) Greetings
2) Language skills: speaking, listening
3) Didactics: teaching an item
4) Didactics: course design, significant learning
Total 270

Present: 7  participants 
Absent: 4 participants
Greeting words: Ursula
Blog: Teaching issue, TTT text, Video library, Class drafts, poster
Chant “How do you like your coffee?” HO

2)      List of presenters on the whiteboard (6 participants)
Participants turn: practice: teaching an item (about 10 min., individual task by participants)
List on the whiteboard:  Feedback: Important aspects, noticed by participants
3 x 45 min
Lunch break

3)      Based on L. Dee Fink: 
a)      Oral: What would you like your students to remember and know 2 years after finishing your course?  
In pairs: 4 minutes’ preparation
Data projector: Finish the sentence:
A year (or more) after instruction is over I want and hope, that my students will be able to ….
(Source: How to Design & Teach a Course Using a Backwards Design Approach. Video 34 min. The model is based on a "backwards design" course design approach outlined by L. Dee Fink (2003) in his book, Creating Significant Learning Environments.
b)      Oral: Ursula´s version of planning a course (based on Dee Fink’s question and practical aspects). Teacher´s aim and institutional aim. Course design: Institutional framework EMÜ KE Why? and What? HO Teacher: How?
c)      Frontal discussion

60 min
4)      Terminology in learning-teaching process: HO
Terms: lecturer, presenter, teacher, facilitator
How to define this terms?
How the participants define their profession? + Explanation.
Frontal discussion

20 min.
5)      Getting Better As Teachers: Five Transformative Teaching Practices by Dr. Dee Fink. Start the video (first 5 minutes)
60 min.
10 min.
6)      Homework:
a)      Watch the video and try to figure out what Dee Fink means by 'significant learning experience':
b)      Preparing for the 20 min item-teaching. Preparation for presentation (explanation, demonstration) of the item in groups in the class.

Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Sept. 26, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1. English: Terminology: subject and teaching
2.   English:  Speaking skills
3.   Teaching methods
4. Teaching: Course design

Present:   Participants 
Absent: ….
Data projector: Schedule + Course title
Greeting words: Ursula
Timetable. New copy. Poster on the wall
Feedback discussion. Ursula

2)      Participants turn: The very beginning of the course (5 min)
4 members: teaching, feedback, videorecording
3 x 45
3)      Reflections about the very beginning of the course (19.09.+ Ülle’s notes)  Ursula
Dee Fink intro to his online course Video, 8 minutes
What did you notice?

4)    Terminology: usage and teaching: Ursula shows her favorite online dictionaries, GoogleDocs for students´ group work (spreadsheet), Google Search possibilities.

Online resources

online favorites: Est-Eng-Est:
Eng-Eng:   (has its limits, as it's multililngual)
ametniku soovitussõnastik
Eesti keele ressursside loend
Keeleveeb - eesti keelele (lemmatiseerija,
sõnavormide moodustaja

terminite otsimiseks google: glossary art

education terminology
Wikipedia translate event. Vikipeedia tõlkevõistlus.

Frontal. Additional sources from group

a)      Frontal discussion HO
Which sources do you use?
What are the criteria for good sources (quantity. quality, availability)
Do you translate texts for study? If yes, then from which language (Est>Eng; Eng>Est, some other languages)
Do you integrate terminology or do you pay special attention to terminology?

5)      Item teaching 10 min:
- Ursula´s Example: Terminology and Translation. Louis Kahn, pics by Pille.
- Feedback. Small sheets or public           
6)      Item Teaching: Text “Picasso. Parable”  HO
a)      Preparation in groups: What message did you notice in the text? Find the topic (What?). Choose the teaching method (How?).
b)      Presentation of group work

1) Prepare to teach something you need in your actual work to our group. (Why? How? What?) (teaching an item, about 10 min)
-          2) What do you think L. Dee Fink means by 'significant learning experience'? He has written and spoken about it, so if you find any really good sources, would you please post the links, too.

Demonstration of course related books

Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Sept. 19, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.  Language skills: Pronunciation
2.  Speaking skills: Monolog, dialog
3.  Didactics: The substance of feedback
4.  Didactics: How to begin a course

TIME management:
1) Greetings
2) Members turn: speaking and teaching skills. How to begin a course
3) Feedback
4) Homework

Present: 9  participants
Absent: 2 participants
Data projector: Schedule + Course title
a)      Greeting words: Ursula
b)      Tongue twister: Ursula
2)      Participants´ feedback (12.09.).  Comments. Ursula
3)      Preparation for the participants turn:  Focus on the very beginning of the lecture.
Frontal discussion: How did you understand the homework assignment?
4)      Feedback (confidential, public, personal). Explanation + 3 HO. Ülle

5)      Focus on the beginning of the first lecture of a course:
action (group members play students), video recording
+ written and oral feedback
White board: list of participants

60 min
6)      Homework
a)      Watch the videos posted by the participants and comment on them (the "Comment" function under the post).
b)      After watching the one that Pille posted: Presentation Zen: The Video By Garr Reynolds would you please watch also Life After Death by Powerpoint 2010 by Don McMillan
and comment on which one you liked more and give some reasons.

Total 270 min (fire drill, reparations),

Teaching Academic Subjects in English
Sept. 12, 2014

Main Aim of the Course: ENGLISH and TEACHING SKILLS
Aims of the Class:
1.      Course norms and rules
2.     Specify the start position. Teaching in English: expectations, needs and wants
3.      Speaking skills: dialog (discussion in pairs), monolog (introduce a person)
4.  Teaching methods: The substance of feedback
5.  Teaching methods: Body language
6.  Technical skills in teaching: blog, GoogleDocs questionnaire, GoogleDocs spreadsheet,
7.      How to begin a course: Explanation for individual preparation as homework

TIME management:

1) Greetings

2) Course norms and rules
3) Expectations, needs and wants
4) Members turn: Speaking skills
5) Feedback and body language
6) Technical skills in teaching process
7) Written reflection by participants
8) How to begin a course: Explanation for individual preparation as homework

Total 270

Present: 11 participants;
Absent: …..
Data projector: Schedule + Course title
Greeting words: Ursula
Short introducing of  Ülle > prof CV in blog
Short introducing of Ursula > prof CV in blog

2)      COURSE NORMS AND RULES, Course Outlines
2a) Explaining the SCHEDULE (ppt SLIDE): URSULA
Length in autumn term:
8 weeks in-class Sept. 12–Nov. 11, 2014
10.15 -11.45
Break 15 minutes
Lunch break 45 minutes
Schedule: once a week on Friday, 6 academic hours (3 hours Nov. 7), check the blog “Schedule for the course”.

Please take your laptops and memory sticks with you.
If the group member cannot participate, they inform the group and lecturers about it via the blog.

Place: Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool / University of Applied Sciences, Humanitaarainete keskus / Centre for Humanities, Pärnu mnt 62, Tallinn
Lecturers: Ursula Erik (English) and Ülle Sihver (Didactics)
Participants: lecturers
Materials: blog, desk, copies, classroom, literature, video, laptops, memory sticks; students as test persons.

Schedule: 8 weeks:

15 min
3. Expectations, needs and wants. Sometimes they overlap. URSULA
Subject: Statements about learning-teaching process in English
a)      1 Handout with statements: a questionnaire and a discussion
What are my concerns and the concerns of my partner?
Individually > pairs > frontal
Ursula writes keywords delivered by the participants in the blog (frontal part).
Aim: English: Expressing opinion, dialog speaking
Aim: Social: Ice-breaker
Aim: Didactics: Standpoints for the discussion about learning-teaching in English:
b)      GoogleDocs Questionnaire
ba) Individual: the degree of my concerns.
Individual > frontal: the graph of concerns of the group members
bc) How to construct a GoogleDocs Questionnaire.
Aim: information about the needs in learning-teaching in English: individual and the group.
           bd) groups of 3: Conclusions based on the results of the questionnaire.
 Link to terminology speaking about the graph. > Frontal, oral.

30 min +
30 min
4. Speaking skills. Introducing the partner
URSULA speaks a little about herself + maybe Ülle
Pair work - Forming pairs using name tags
Keypoints in blog
- Preparing in pairs: introduce the partner + his/her professional specific feature.
- Introducing the colleague. Show (stand up, please), 11 participants.
- Frontal conclusions
Aim: communication in professional environment

45 min.

5. The substance of feedback
1 Handout: text Five Steps for Giving Productive Feedback
a)      Individual: reading
   b) Individual or in pairs: Classify information from the article = Give feedback:
- personal
- for the colleague (confidential)
- for the group (public)

30 min

6. Video: Body Language 20 min
Yes-No tags:
1.      Did you like the presentation?
2.      Did she have a (professional) point?
Conclusion in pairs: Feedback: ÜLLE
What did you notice? No judgement.
1 Handout Fill in the noticing sheet (personal)
1 Handout Fill in the sheet (public)
1 Handout Fill in the confidential sheet for the Body-language-lady

45 min
7. Explaining the usage of blog: URSULA
The blog is:
a) the source of course information
b) possibility for written conversation in a less academic article-style (informal discussions and comments).
c) homework. Homework and posts in the blog are part of the course.
2. Practical application: Reflections on the day

5 min.

11. Participants´ reflection about the training day. Writing 
20 min.

12. Homework

1) 1. Find a video-lecture (as close to your speciality as possible), post the link and comment on it. It has to be something that you actually need. If it does not look interesting, you have to make it interesting. Explain to the group (in the class) what could be done to make it interesting. Focus on the very beginning of the lecture.

2) Prepare the beginning for the first lecture of the course you have to start (it does not matter, when - spring 2014 or next year or maybe you're just thinking about doing it). If you do not know if and when you're going to teach, introduce a course you'd like to teach.
Frontal discussion.

5 min.

Total 270 min

Teaching Academic Subjects in English, 2014
Course schedule in broad lines (details about the tasks and topics during the classes):

1. Sept. 12 – introduction, mapping the focus of the group
2. Sept. 19 – practice: introduction to my course (about 5 min., individual task by participants)
3. Sept. 26 – practice: teaching an item (about 10 min., individual task by participants)
4. Oct. 3 – practice: teaching an item (about 10 min., individual task by participants)
 Oct. 10 – break
5. Oct. 17 – reflections and preparing for the 20 min item-teaching
6. Oct. 24 – practice: teaching an item (about 20 min., individual task by participants)
7. Oct. 31 – practice: teaching an item (about 20 min., individual task by participants)
8. Nov. 7 (3 academic hours) – reflections and round-up
The schedule (except Nov. 7) will be as follows:
Break: 15 minutes
Break: 45 minutes

Individual tasks by participants will be something they need for their work anyway – teaching an item, preparing a beginning for a new course etc. The tasks will be video- recorded and the participant will get the recording – it will be a chance to see what the students see in the classes J.

password: EMUdoctorate12

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