Oct 29, 2012

Some more tongue twisters


some tongue twisters can be found there:

Classics from the abovementioned page:
"Three sweet switched Swiss witches watch three washed Swiss witch Swatch watch switches. Which sweet switched Swiss witch watches which washed Swiss witch Swatch watch switch?"

not very PC version from Internet:

English for beginners: "Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watches which Swatch watch?"

Advanced English: "Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?"

English for experts: "Three swiss witch-bitches, who wish to be switched swiss witch-bitches, wish to watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch - who wishes to be a switched swiss witch - wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?"

The Body (interactive)


Tongue Twisters

Two toads totally tired of trying to trot to Tetbury.

A tutor who tooted the flute
tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to their tutor:
"Is it harder to toot,
Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

Which switch, Miss, is the right switch for Ipswich, Miss?

While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

we very much want vera well

She sells seashells on the seashore
The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure
So if she sells seashells on the seashore
Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Oct 25, 2012

Off-topic: I fell in love...

... Hans Rosling's presentations!
Now I understood the magic of former TED presentations. If you have your 9 minutes, take your lunch coffee and look, for instance, this http://www.gapminder.org/videos/hans-rosling-and-the-magic-washing-machine/.
I also found another one with a great cardboard box trick at the end - http://www.gapminder.org/videos/religions-and-babies/

Oct 23, 2012

Our home page

Esta´s statistical analysis

 The purpose of the questionnaire was the assessment of the homepage of the Estonian University of Life Sciences in English. As there were few answers (9), it was no possible to make statistical analysis. About third of respondents found out, that the homepage of EMU is not logical, but generally understandable. The layout of the page is quite good (44%  answers).
The biggest problem of the homepage is information finding, e.g. contacts of workers and timetables, what 66% of people could not find. Some respondents want to read rector’s blog too, although 56% [of them] distrust it.       

Oct 22, 2012

Questionnaire analysis, Piret

I had 4 answers to my questionnaire. That is not very much to tell anything about statistical significance. Still I may conclude that people generally like EMU homepage, the English version of it. 75% of the answers stated that they didn`t find the timetable of the Vet. Med PhD. students. And people find it generally more difficult rather than easy to find any desired information about their home institute. The information about the existence of the EMU homepage was found from very different sources: from friends, from institutes secretary, from tutors. Who should actually inform people about it and how to use it?

AA Meelis

Questionnaire analysis

I got six responses for my questionnaire, most of them instantly after posting the questionnaire. Repliers believe that it was quite easy to find the webpage of IVMAS. 67% of answerers believe that this was easy because they already knew what they were looking for. Everybody knows that veterinary studies in Tartu started in 1848, and 67% of answerers know who the present director of IVMAS is. A bigger variation of answers I got for questions connected with information connected with the IVMAS webpage. I can guess that bigger variations at least answer for one question was due to confused webpage and two others because of need for deeper search.

Alisa's report about statistics

As my questionnaire results were lost in the eternal space of world web, I used someone else’s results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dENLRU1MUFMyQnZDRnRibUhWZ2pDVEE6MQ#gid=0

Sorry about that J

Describing results I assume that the number of respondents is representative for at least our class audience.

More than a half of the respondents found the logic of the homepage bearable and nearly 40% decided it to be "not at all" logical. None of the respondents considered the homepage to be logical, so there’s clearly the problem with the structure.
Never the less, the respondents did think of the page layout as bearable (63%) or even good (38%) with no scores for the “Bad” option. Posts of the homepage seem to be understandable for most of the audience, though not always for the nearly 2/3.
One particular problem of the homepage is finding the needed information. Half of the respondents admitted having problems with staff contacts search, and only 13% agreed that there was nothing they could not find.
As for the rector’s blog, only 1/4 of the audience doesn't feel the need for it, although half of the respondents are not sure.

AA_LilianF_statistics and questionnaire

I got three responses to my questionnaire about Limnology. The analysis of the data shows that 67 % of the  repliers do not know how many lakes we have in Estonia but there is statistically important evidence that people know something about limnology.
:) - well, that's more than nothing, isn't it? - U

Reg form; stats by Lilian

There are 3 people registrered to my event. Which is quite good considering no-one knew what the event is about.
My main worry is that everyone has so many different wishes about the food. As the form was prepared poorly I have some problems with dietary needs (there's a point ""Allergies"" with ""please list"" but there's nowhere to list them). All the people are very allergic, what a pity!

Everyone wants to go to a pre-conference tour, unfortunately everybody chose a different one.

Piret's questionnaire

Noticing sheet, TASK II, Anne, Alisa, Piret

Task II Noticing sheet.

1) Categorize the various points made.
a) Confidence is important. How to gain it?
b) Bodylanguage - Opened not shut. How to open up and look inviting for the student?
c) The speed of the talk - how to evaluate it adequately? How to modify it with your own will (not by the state of your mind at the moment - nervous, inconfident etc.)
d) How to make people talk?
e) How to adapt to the different cultural background of the members of the audience?

3) Compare what the group members say about their aims and objectives. Look for the evidence of learning.
To make people talk:
a) vary the groups
b) encourage the students to talk about their own experience in the context of the lecture topic. To express their ideas and opinions.

4) What messages for ourselves as a teacher have we taken from the experience of trying out?
a) Dont forget the audience
b) Keep the eye contact
c) Dont talk too fast or too slowly

Anne, Alisa,  Piret

Agron. Esta. Lilian

A clear and understandable presentation with some statistical data is very suitable for the audience.

Participants should focus a bit more on their own field of the research and work.

There are some comprehensive ideas on different issues in regard to certain topic  being discussed.

It is important to be confident during your presentation.

In case I use some phrases of spoken English - as a consequence there can be unexpected feedback by audience.

It is not ok if someone always says “I did not understand anything because the simple fact that the new phrases were used in presentation”.

Ed:You have to be confident (in this class it was - the louder voice you have, the more confident you seem:))
Your English doesn't have to be perfect if you know what you are talking about and you like your subject yourself.
If your (or your student's) English is not perfect write down some inportant words, expressions and so on - it helps to learn and makes you more confident.

AA Lilian-Meelis_22oct

Categorise the various points made:

Short and well organized review, not much text on slide, spontaneus talk,self confidence, comprehensibility of slides and speech, conversation with audience, loud voice
Message - practice language and performance skills

Major Decisions: Alisa & Lilian

How do you like your water?

LilianF Questionnaire

Oct 18, 2012

Absent on Monday


I just got a message that training grup is full, so I'll have a Food Hygiene training on Monday. Sorry, I can't participate in English class:(

best regards,

Registration form

I made a registration form. As I don't know what kind of event this is going to be yet, you have to register blind:)

Oct 15, 2012

Pronounciation. Twelve Cans of Tuna Fish

chant and exercise:

Alisa's questionaire

Meelis questionnaire


In English page they have information about dates also (see http://basu.ac.ir/english/aboutuniversity/e_aboutuniversity.htm). It helps you to read the academic calendar also:)
But there are also some pages where are dates only by our calendar ( The Faculty of    Art & Architeture was established in 2002.; http://basu.ac.ir/english/faculties/art/general.html)

The most interesting thing about this web site is that everything is described trhough the people. In evety section the most important thing is administration and these are the pages which are fully translated into English.
You can see that there are some lack of information on other pages (in Persian the pages are longer:)).

In English pages you find link "Basu Home" everywhere but they link you to Persian home page.

But sure is, that if you would like to go and study there you have to find an important man before. He will tell you everything:)


Happy Handwashing to all of us:)

Katrin's homework

I did select University of Georgia (USA) as I have found (coincidentally) some PP presentations and publications earlier. Now I tried to find some information as I were a person interested in studying there. Information about departments can be found http://www.caes.uga.edu/departments/fst/
Syllabus can be seen: https://syllabus.uga.edu/ some need log-in passwords, but I did Enter via Syllabus System Browse https://syllabus.uga.edu/Browse.aspx where lectures post their syllabus and all details about the course (class meeting time; required textbook; course goals; learning objectives; attendance policy and participation; cell phones, pagers, laptops; academic honesty; assignments; exams; grading policy, etc). Maybe I shall take for me as an example syllabus by Dr Andress from Food and Nutrition department.
Web page is more like commercial for newcomers and nice pictures for alumni. I understood from syllabus, that important place/feature is OASIS, so I did google search and found this: http://www.reg.uga.edu/oasis . Its interesting, that it doesn’t function 24/7 but has few hours in early morning when it is closed. A schedule of classes looks like shop cash register bill: lots of codes, numbers etc: http://www.reg.uga.edu/schedule-of-classes
Teaching materials etc are probably (I couldn’t  get in) at https://my.uga.edu/uPortal/render.userLayoutRootNode.uP  I made some copy and paste from there: “The UGA portal is a single web location (or address) which provides access to the web-based services and information most important to you. As a gateway to web access, your portal is your self-managed, personalized, and customized information environment. Use your MyID and password to unlock news, information, e-mail, OASIS, WebCT shortcuts, and more. If you are not currently a part of the University of Georgia community, or would like to learn more about the University of Georgia, please visit the UGA public website.”

So: most relevant and specific information is not available for public. Public should enjoy commercials and photos with happy faces on public website.
see you soon:)

Oct 14, 2012

Esta's homework

I looked over page   http://nubip.edu.ua/en/. It is organised quite logically. Main chapters are in top of the page and in very good colour for reading. Things could be found quite easily but the chapter "Science" provided poor information. It is the less informative page in my opinion. All things are written in good English and understandable. News are updated and have lots of good additional information
Page is very good and clear. Unfortunately the contents of EMU page is not so informative. For example there are no events and no rectors blog. The last feature would be very interesting and popular.

Oct 10, 2012

Agron Idrizaj for spontaneity

The most important scientific discoveries were made spontaneously. 
If the statement is spontaneous it is genuine also.
Speaking spontaneously is much more clear and understandable for the audience, while orchestrated  speaking can be considered a forced manner of expression that would not always be preferred by audience.
Everything we do spontaneously is also natural such as: breathing, dreaming, and coughing.
A well known speaker often uses spontaneous talk during their interview.

Just to keep you updated that next week I will be abroad. I aim to participate in the workshop GLEON 14.
Thanks for the notice! See you next week, then! - U

Oct 9, 2012

Oct 8, 2012

Please inform us via blog if you can´t participate in the class work.

Please inform us via blog if you can´t participate in the class work.
It is important for us in planning the class-activities and good for you to have an occasion to practice your writing skills.

Thank you in advance,
Ülle & Ursula

Questions by Agron and Esta

1. What will they engage in one-on-one conversations over the next two days?
 Lilian's Q:

1. What is Wurming's hope to see on his event during the next days?


Ask questions to the answers:
1.  For what purpose will the guests arrive to the hotel?
An energetic exploration of the lost art of conversing.

2. Why did  Wurman bristle?. „Everything was fine?
The waiter has broken one of Wurman’s rules of conversation.

3. In which list does belong the phrase „How is everything?“
A list of other taboo phrases, among them “How are you?” and “what’s the best ... ?”

4. What does mean „Uh-huh“ by the opinion of Wurman?
A meaningless tic used by bad listeners.

5. Why does Wurman think it is important to never use wrong phrases during the conversation?
It’s an important part of the experience he is trying to create.

6. What does Wurman hope the event will turn out to be?
Improvisation through conversation
7.How big is the presumable income from the ticket sales?

Oct 4, 2012

What else you can do with your mouse

which helps you save time, of course.

Click Tricks
You surely know that double clicking highlights a word, and you might even know that triple clicking highlights a paragraph. But have you ever wanted to select a column of text in a Word document, without getting all the text to the left and right of it? Here's how you can: Hold down the alt and left mouse button (on a Mac, option-left mouse), and drag the cursor over the section you want to select. The coolest thing about this trick is that the text you are selecting does not even need to be formatted as a column for this to work.

Oct 1, 2012


Questions from Meelis

1. What did the boy find?
A fascinating caterpillar.


What did the boy  find?
A fascinating caterpillar

Have to skip the class again!

I'm sorry, but I have to work again!
I was prepared to come and right now I have to deal with one big problem in SIS.

I hope the problem is not that big and I can come later.
