Oct 1, 2012


Questions from Meelis

1. What did the boy find?
A fascinating caterpillar.

2. Did mother allow the boy keep the caterpillar?
Yes, if he would take good care of it.
Technically "if he took good care..." would be better (no 'will, would' after 'if')

3. What happened one day?
The caterpillar climbed up the stick and started acting strangely.

4. Who cut the cocoon hole bigger?
The boy did.

5. Who was concerned?
The boy was.

6. Why did the boy use scissors?
To make the hole bigger.

7. What would the boy see after the butterfly left the cocoon?
The wings dry out, enlarge and expand to support the swollen body.

8. What happened without struggle?
It was never able to fly.

9. What made the butterfly unable to fly?
The boy’s good intentions.

10. Why must we struggle?
Struggling is an important part of any growth experience.

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