Oct 26, 2014

Homework: Oct. 23

Teaching an item (about 20 min). A chance for those who did not do it last week, but would still like to practice and get feedback.

Class: Oct. 24. Teaching an item (about 20 min).

We got to know more about motors (well done and good to follow!) and Baby Boomers, X- generation and Y-generation... and helicopter parents (interesting, fluent and informative - I personally especially liked the thought from the beginning of the talk: "It's good to know who we are teaching."). Ülle told us about the stages of development a teacher will probably go thorough and ways of learning (and you'll find the slides in the blog).
And we twisted our tongues, of course:

She sells seashells on the seashore,
And the shells she sells
Are seashore shells,
I'm sure.

We very much want Vera well.

Oct 24, 2014

Class Reflection. Noticed by Ülle. Comment Oct. 17, 2014

In the seminar several teaching methods were explained by participants. The following technics had been presented as useful tips for everyday work:

Oct 17, 2014

Class: Oct. 17

Failures: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-26359564

Twelve cans of tunafish rag:
Vocabulary: food and containers
scroll down for lots of packs and containers

Linking to a slide:
Kui pean slaidide näitamisel ühte slaidi (nt esimest) pidevalt uuesti näitama (järgmiste slaidide vahele), siis teen nii:
1)      Teen oma slaidirea valmis.
2)      Lisan slaidile, mida tahan korduvalt näidata, mingi märksõna (nt slide 1). > teen selle märksõna aktiivseks  > valin menüüribast „hüperlink“ ja vajutan. > avaneb aken, kus on kirjas variandid, milline slaid/pealkiri muutub tagasikutsutavaks (= lingitavaks) > vajutan selles aknas  selle variandi peal, mida ma  vajan, et see oleks korratav. Sulen akna. Slaidil on märksõnale tekkinud joon alla.  
3)      Kopeerin selle joonega hüperlingisõna kõikidele slaididele.
Kui olen nüüd ükskõik millisel slaidil, aga vajan seda esimest slaidi uuesti, siis vajutan eesoleval slaidil joonega hüperlink-märksõna peale  > ette tuleb just see lingitud slaid.
Slaidi leidmine linkimise abil toimib ainult esindusvaates, mitte töövaates.

Class Reflection, Noticed by Ülle. Comment Oct. 3, 2014

In the seminar the discussion about practicing feedback in study process was been continued. The following aspects had been mentioned as important, noticed by participants:

Oct 16, 2014

Oct. 3: Class. Teaching an item

TASK: Teaching an item  (about 10 minutes)
Feedback: Important aspects, noticed by participants (what was suggested for feedback: "What kind of feedback would you like to get?")

o   Was the teaching process logical? Why? What made it logical in your mind?
o   What did the participants learn?
o   Usage of Language: vocabulary, fluency, grammar (sentence structure), pronunciation (any accent?)
o   Focus: e.g. language or subject

o   Which methods were used?

Oct 3, 2014

Oct. 3: Homework Assignment

1) Watch the video and try to figure out what Dee Fink means by 'significant learning experience':

2) prepare your longer teaching item, so that you can either present it in a small group (of 2-3 persons) or discuss in the small group how you are going to present it to the whole group next week.

Terminology discussion in EMÜ: arvestus. May 2014

EST: arvestus - teadmiste ja oskuste kontrolli vorm kõrgkoolis, kutsekoolis jm, mille sooritamise korral (= arvestatud) saab ainepunkte.

EMÜ: pass/fail assessment
Tallina Ülikool: pass/fail assessment
Tartu Ülikool: pass/fail evaluation

Oct 2, 2014

Article: September 28, 2014. Jaak Aaviksoo. Mitte ainult Tallinna ülikoolist

Hea ülikool peab vastama mitte üksnes kõrgetele akadeemilistele standarditele, kirjutab Jaak Aaviksoo värskes Sirbis.
11. septembril toimunud Tallinna ülikooli arengukonverents oli mitmes mõttes silmapaistev ja vaid väikese liialdusena võiks seda nimetada revolutsiooniliseks. Muidugi mitte konverentsi ennast, mis, tõsi, oli ka igati ajakohase korraldusega, vaid eelkõige ülikooli esitatud arenguvisiooni aastani 2020. 

Picasso. Parable. Noticing

Nick Owen. The Magic of Metaphor. 2011 Crown House Publishing Limited

Picasso was on the point of becoming famous. He was travelling first class from Nice to Paris. Sharing his compartment was a wealthy American art collector.
The American thought he recognised the artist. "Hey, aren´t you Mr Pablo Picasso?"
"Si," said Picasso.
"Listen," said the collector, "Why don't you paint people as they really are?"

Five Steps for Giving Productive Feedback by Scott Halford


It can be a delicate process, but assessing a person's progress can lead to improvement and growth.

Handout. Terminology: usage and teaching

Which sources do you use?
What are the criteria for good sources (quantity, quality, availability)?

Class Reflection. Noticed by Ülle Sept. 26, 2014

In the seminar the discussion about practicing feedback in the study process has been continued. The following possibilities have been mentioned: