In the seminar the discussion
about practicing feedback in the study process has been continued. The
following possibilities have been mentioned:
for written tasks a grid and the „track changes“ function
a review with anonymous examples and comments to the blog
for oral tasks both the lecturer and students give oral immediate feedback
and personal written feedback for the student who presented his task. It’s the
„fast notes“ style, different from official/formal sentences.
lecturer ´s oral feedback
public discussion
conversation between the lecturer and advanced students
promotion of students´ feedback by and by to objective analysis
Lecture´s consultations based on students´ work.
We continued with practicing
Course Introduction. Prof. L. Dee Fink explains in his Online Course Introduction
(8-minutes video) why, what and how the students are going to learn in his
course ”Significant learning experience and course design”.
Why: The course has an impact
on students´ personal, social or professional life.
What: Course design and
experience about significant learning. Two methods will be used: individual
work (reading materials) and the dialog with others in groups - giving and
receiving feedback from the participants and from facilitators.
How: plan a weekly learning
schedule, be open to new ideas, take advantage of the opportunity to dialog with
other participants in the course and listen to the feedback.
During our task about Course
Introduction I noticed different aspects that might have positive influence to
the teaching-learning process:
precisely designed visuals
professional calculation of the usage of visuals or other prototypes with
the intention to avoid copying or breaking the practice because of overload to
prelims during the course to stimulate the students to study constantly
direct lecturer-student contact has significant personal and social
advantages in influencing the study process, so the lecturer gets adequate
speciality related information about the students´ needs. This is more
efficient than transformation of information via learning platforms.
supporting learning environment and readiness by the school to find
solutions in case of complications. The learning process is highly subjective.
let students ask. Their questions are informative feedback for the lecturer
about students´ capacity to receive and understand information.
Various distance between lecturer and students in the clasroom influences
their receiving capacity and makes them change their posture as well.
optimal tempo for asking the
audience. While waiting for an answer, try to count to nine.
Usage of name tags enables dialog with participants in the very beginning
of the course.
using and teaching terminology the participants work with several sources e.g.
dictionary of Internal Security
For specific set of vocabulary: //
Scientific articles: //
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TED talks
In the teaching process an efficient way for learning a subject is to
combine and compare texts and visuals, that handle the same object, also
contact specialists.
In the learning process the students learn their subject and the skills
to express on the specific field. He also learns the strategies how to
understand information using both speciality related and linguistic skills.
As a practical teaching strategy the participants transferred the
information they have got in the Picasso Parable via visuals. They used
pictures and a task to draw the picture, listening to the description.
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