Sep 28, 2012

Homework 24.09.12, Katrin

Homework Sept 24,

What I noticed and want to learn from the presentations of  Introduction to the Course:
·       being prepared makes you more confident, but spontaneous presentation may be very enjoyable too;
·      a  little introduction about yourself (and your colleagues where appropriate) is very welcome depending on the auditorium;
·       if you believe in things you are lecturing about and you are enthusiastic, this enthusiasm and interest to the topic are catching;
·       during the preparation [your preparation is also possible - U] it’s useful to also prepare the questions to invite students to think about the topic, to actively participate in the class;
·       eye contact with people in the classroom is important; an experienced lecturer remembers it even when walking about or sometimes turning your back towards the audience;
·       it’s good to train pointing out things on visual aids (with the ’correct’ hand, with the red dot);
·       If abbreviations are used in speech or on the visual aids, it’s good to explain them (USA may be notJ);
·       Use optimal tempo;
·       Be positive and friendly;
·       The presentation should be structured for better understanding;
·       Sometimes it is good to have some slides (or to write something down on whiteboard or flip-board), it’s easier to follow the presentation;
·       We should check that the information on the slides can be seen and we should check spelling too;
·       It is pleasant to listen to the lecturer when he/she explains what is on the slides but does not read all the text from there. [an absolute must, I'd say - never read out the text! It also pays to invest into finding out how to get the items 'appearing' one-by-one, otherwise people will start reading instead of listening and paying attention - U]

My personal concern is, that although I prepared the slides and planned to use some new phrases or expressions, I did it from vana rasva pealt [how should Shakespeare say this?- I still don't know :( - working on it! U]. I’ll try to find a system for learning and practicing new things.

Best regards,

Sep 26, 2012

Esta's homework

here is my homework. I looked videolecture:
This lecture is about locomotor apparatus of horse. I think it is a good lecture becouse the lecturer made things understandable by useing simple examples like liveing horse with painted sceleton on it. She explained how parts of horse body are moveing and why are bones and muscles where they are.
The lecturer was very entusiastic and had eye-contact with the audience. She spoked clearly and with simple sentencies.

With best regards,

Sep 17, 2012

Homework Sept.10

I am a PhD student of the Centre of Limnology. I found a lecture about the social life of bacteria which I really like 'cause of the enthusiastic lecturer.  It is engaging attention due to slow talk, body language and the jokes the lecturer makes.

from Ursula:
the social life of bacteria - not social life in general (like: social life in rural areas is non-existent), it's the social life of bacteria
and the jokes the lecturer makes - not just jokes in general, it's the jokes made during the lecture.

A lecture

My name is Kadri Kask and I am a lecturer of biology and ecology at EMU in the departement of Environmental protection. I did find quitea nice lecture: YALE PSYC 123 The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food with Professor Kelly D. Brownell ( . 
The lecture was appealing from the first minutes, a lecturer was positive and enthusiastic , asked a lot of questions and made the jokes, the topic and discussion were really interesting. I did enjoy everything: a very professional lecturer, a topic, a discussion and involvement of students.

from Ursula: it is possible to use 'did find' here - to give emotional stress to the sentence (I looked for it, it took a long time, but I did find = found indeed). Even though it's normally used in questions (What did you find?)

Sep 16, 2012

Homework 10.09.2012 Agron Idrizaj
Today monitoring of lake water bodies is becoming very important, due to the fact that  fresh water is limited in many places and can not meet the needs of different organisms and ecosystems. The demand of the people for access to clean water  has resulted  in providing an efficienct lake monitoring system which is well-known for advanced techniques and accuracy in comparison to previous methods and techniques.
This system is dedicated to measuring long-term water quality monitoring and meteorological parameters. It consists of meteorological sensors which measure different meteorological parameters as follows: Wind speed/direction, temperature, air pressure, humidity, liquid precipitation and shortwave radiation. Water column sensors are meant to measure: temperature, dissolved oxygen, PAR  (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and pressure.
Agron Idrizaj
from Ursula: 'to' can be tricky and one has to make sure which word it 'belongs' to.
This system is dedicated to measuring - dedicated to = To set apart for a special use: dedicated their money to scientific research.
(meant) to measure - To have as a purpose or an intention; intend: I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept. - go, not going, the 'hint' one can get from the dictionary.

Sep 14, 2012

What is Language?

Language is a specific sign system that we use for communication.
So the language is a tool. Only in a language course the language is both: the goal and the tool.
We need the language for expressing our mind and getting impulses, so the language is a part of us. According to Lilian: Language is me.

Sep 12, 2012

Katrin's homework from 10.09.2010

Hi everyone!
Finding an academic video lecture about food hygiene or self-control systems in food industry turned out to be a tougher task than I expected. I did find some video recorded presentations from conferences, business meetings, etc, but they were neither very good examples of high quality visual aids nor good presentations.
I did find a Youtube presentation “Free University Lectures and Academic Resources” ( with some good hints to academic study materials, but again nothing related to my topics of interest.
So I did choose a presentation published by Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development “HACCP—Making food products safe, part 1” Although it isn’t an academic lecture it isn’t just a presentation of Power Point slides. There is a lecturer presenting  slides which are accompanied by videos from different fields of food industry. The slides are very illustrative, not heaped with a load of text. The lady presenting the commentaries has a pleasant voice, good pronunciation and is very easy to follow. The lecture has a deep-laid structure and high quality performance.

from Ursula: Don't know if that would make sense (what I found) -

Thank you, Ursula! I hadn't heard of prof Raspor before, but now I have been checking for his articles from ScienceDirect for an hour already. Thank you!

from Ursula: Glad to have been of help :).

Sep 10, 2012

Agron Idrizaj

Homework 10.09.12 Piret

Hello, my name is Piret and I teach Human Nutrition in EMU.
I found this lecture:, which is one of the lectures in the series of the lectures in Harvard School of Engineering in the topic Science and Cooking.
The introduction is made by the main lecturer/Professor, who is responsible for the course, he himself is the Professor of applied mathematics and physics. I like that he admits, that he knows very little about some chemistry topics and he is not trying to jump over his shadow there, but from physical aspect, he can explain things quite well. For the specifics, he knows less about, he has invited guest lecturers. That made me also realize, that I cant be very good in all aspects of my own teaching subject, whilst my background is more related to biology of plants and their application in medicine. I might be somewhat expert in that area, but I truly can not cover all the aspects of the nutrition in the perfect level. And I already use guest lecturers in some topics of my lecture.
I guess I am in the point of my lecturers career, where I am more concerned about myself than about the student. But I realize of course, that eventually I would have to adapt myself after the students.

First post from a student

It's nice to be the first student writing in this blog.
Hopefully it won't be the last one from me.


Thank you!
I's nice to be the first student writing in this blog.
Hopefully it woun't be the last one from me.

I's nice to be the first student writing in this blog.
Hopefully it woun't be the last one from me

Sep 9, 2012

Teaching Academic Subjects in English

In 2012/2013 a pilot course is organised. The course program will be updated and improved according to feedback from the participants.

Learning outcomes of the Course

1. Skills of English for Specific Purposes:

Objectives of the Course

The participants will be able to develop the skills for teaching their subjects in English, to participate in international research, study and work environment.
The course enables to analyse teaching methods and practice teaching their speciality in English.

Recommended study materials

L. Dee Fink. Creating Significant Learning Experiences. An Integrated Approach to Designing. Revised and Updated.  College Courses. Jossey-Bass 2013.
L.Dee Fink, L. K. Michaelsen, A. Bauman Knight. Team-Based Learning. A Transformative Use of Small Groups in College Teaching. Stylus (USA) 2002.
G. Wiggins, J. McTughe. Understanding by Design. Expanded 2nd Edition. Pearson 2006.
Nick Owen. The Magic of  Methaphor. 77 Stories for Teachers, Trainers & Thinkers. Crown House Publishing Ltd. 2001.  
Ken Bain. What the Best College Teachers Do. Harvard University Press 2004.
Ken Bain. What the Best College Students Do. Harvard University Press 2012.
Maryellen Weimer. Learner-Centered Teaching. Five Key Changes to Practice. Second Edition Jossey-Bass 2013.
Angi Malderez, Martin Wedell. Teaching Teachers. Processes and Practices. Continuum International Publishing Group 2007.
Alan Mortiboys. How to be an effective teacher in higher education. Answers to lectuerer´s questions. Open University Press 2011.
Alan Mortiboys. Teaching with emotional intelligence. A step by step guide for higher and further education professionals. Routledge 2012.
Talvi Märja. Koolitaja käsiraamat. Andras 2011.
Ingo Normet. Ujuda selles jões. Teatrikooli aabits. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia 2011.
Barbara Seidlhofer. Understanding English as a Lingua Franca. Oxford University Press 2011.
Mary E. Kitte. Effective Evaluation of Teaching.
Download the e-book.
Karen Pryor. Don't Shoot the Dog! The New Art of Teaching and Training. Ringpress Books Ltd. 2002. Translated in Estonian: Karen Pryor. Ära koera maha lase! Õpetamise ja treenimise uus kunst. Kirjastus Tänapäev AS 2008. Tõlkinud Ursula Erik.

Florence Littauer. Personality Plus. 2004. Published by Fleming H. Revell. Translated in Estonian: Florence Littauer. Isiksus+.Temperament ja tegelikkus. Tunne ennast, mõista teist. Kirjastus Oomen 2011.Tõlkinud Ursula Erik.

The skills to be practiced

The skills to be practiced:


try   hhhhh


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