Sep 10, 2012

Homework 10.09.12 Piret

Hello, my name is Piret and I teach Human Nutrition in EMU.
I found this lecture:, which is one of the lectures in the series of the lectures in Harvard School of Engineering in the topic Science and Cooking.
The introduction is made by the main lecturer/Professor, who is responsible for the course, he himself is the Professor of applied mathematics and physics. I like that he admits, that he knows very little about some chemistry topics and he is not trying to jump over his shadow there, but from physical aspect, he can explain things quite well. For the specifics, he knows less about, he has invited guest lecturers. That made me also realize, that I cant be very good in all aspects of my own teaching subject, whilst my background is more related to biology of plants and their application in medicine. I might be somewhat expert in that area, but I truly can not cover all the aspects of the nutrition in the perfect level. And I already use guest lecturers in some topics of my lecture.
I guess I am in the point of my lecturers career, where I am more concerned about myself than about the student. But I realize of course, that eventually I would have to adapt myself after the students.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the deleted comment was a test-comment - now we know they can't be deleted permanently :)
