Sep 11, 2012

Video: Introduction to an algebra course.
Any good expressions used?


  1. I watched through first eleven minutes and found several good sentences and expressions to use. Somehow I cann't edit this topic, only posting a comment is possible? So I'll post these here:
    We are going to get started
    Handouts are by the door if anybody didn’t pick up one
    If you are having an issue…
    Seems it has run out
    Pass it around
    I did secure a copy
    Before we’ll go to a content of a course lets briefly go over course information
    Some administrative things we have to do
    You should bookmark it [course website] and go there regularly
    We will do distance learning this term
    You can look lectures online if you choose to do that
    You need… to take this course successfully
    People who don’t have this background should not be in this class
    If you have any questions, please come to talk to us after class
    Students must attend a 1 hour recitation session each week. Mis asi on ‘recitation’?
    Unlike the lectures there will be no materials available
    A recitation has a final say on your grade
    Some students find this course particularly challenging
    We have posted weekly office hours on the course website
    Your best bet is to try to do your homework before …
    I highly recommend to you
    The grading policy
    No effect on your grade

  2. It's just me (and Ülle) who can edit everything (sry, that's life! - mostly to make sure nothing happens with layout accidentally) - so it would be good to add your name to the comment.
    If you log in with your own gmail, your name will be displayed (you need to send the address to me, then).
