Sep 29, 2012

Communicating personal data. First mail, first meeting

Comment by Ülle in the class Sept. 17
As managers of the learning process of the students, we have a number of organising tasks like getting the list of the participants with certain additional data and communicate with students via e-mail. The dream of each lecturer is to get mail with the correct title including the name, the date and an informative title.
In the classroom there are two questions everybody in the class/course has - in the very beginning of the work that is supposed to start now: Who is this person in front of us and why just her/him? I think, a confident and positive explanation (as a clear answer) makes 60% of further success of cooperation between the participants.
It is genuinely important to put myself as lecturer in the position of my learner and accept, that they tend to reflect me in their attitudes, maybe just intuitively. The consequence is, the learners tend to greet me back if I greet them and be precise in sending personal data if I am doing that. This kind of attitude-training is time consuming and puts me as a person under a magnifying glass constantly. We know, that practice forms our habits, so one day it will be a pure routine for me to add my personal data in the footer in my email and start the meetings with telling my name and position with asking if everybody knows all the people in the room and is maybe there are some persons invited outside the regular team. Because we are willing to invest our best skills if we feel respected.
I am aware of the difficulties of being one of the few acting like this, putting more energy in my communication than other persons do maybe. We can minimize the disrespect around us with noticing the spoken and written communication of our colleagues and students and asking them if they notice and recognise the interpersonal quality of their study and work environment. I wish all of us patience and strength!  

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