Sep 19, 2014

Homework Assignment: Sept.19

Watch the videos posted by the participants and comment on them (the "Comment" function under the post).

After watching the one that Pille posted, on presentation design and delivery by Garr Reynolds,
would you please also watch Life After Death by Powerpoint by Don McMillan 
and comment on which one you liked more and give some reasons.

P.S. The comment by Rene (P) on all videos added.


  1. A sample comment - I know it could be hard to choose which one is better, as they are so different (unless you really hate the "American" style) - but still, please try to.

  2. Garr Reynolds video is about what to do and Don McMillans video about what not to do.
    The first video is suitable for visual learners, the second maybe for kinesthetic learners.

  3. These two videos really are incomparable with each other because they are so different and compiled for different purposes. Somehow or other I like them both. They both give information about how to compose a power point slide but the style of these performances are totally dissimilar. The first one, uploaded by Pille, is well-balanced and visualized – a perfect teaching video. The second one is an entertainment in the best possible way, though informative at the same time. One more thing I’d like to point out about the differences between these two videos: Instead of putting himself on the foreground, the first presenter draws the attention to the message. It is the second presenter who receives most of the attention. Therefore it is sometimes hard to follow the main ideas of the topic. Britt

  4. The first video is a balanced set of instructions on how to make perfect presentation slides, which are clear and precise without any distractors. The second one is a comedy. I like both, but for different reasons. The first video has plenty of educational value, and, I can say, it provides even spiritual experience. The second one is pure entertainment.

  5. The two videos are quite different, though they both can be used to learn/teach something about giving presentations.
    The one posted by Pille shows what and how to do, and another one is an example of what NOT to do. The first video teaches you how to design good slides, and I found the rules (background noise, the rule of one third of the slide etc) quite useful; another video has an entertaining aspect and it could be used with students to start a discussion on "How to compile and give a good presentation".


  6. This fellow in the video is a natural stand-up. He gets his point across by making fun of the misuse of the Microsoft PowerPoint program, which with my mechanics could be a good way to teach them what not to do.

    Both videos were aided visually, therefore it was easy to follow and to understand. If I had to choose one of them, I would choose Pille's choice of the video. Why? That is because although the comedy-like approach in the what-not-to-do-video may seem attractive at first, after some minutes I somehow got tired of it. Nevertheless, both videos are original and definitely educational.

  7. by Rene (P):
    I like the second one because the first one was quite static and made me very sleepy. I also enjoy stand up comedy very much.

    1) I liked that those videos were short. Because the second one had no explanations it was hard to follow.
    2) I agree that this is an example of good language teaching. Teaching some other subject could be more complex and using photos, illustrations and videos would be better. There should not be any mistakes in a video lecture. I prefer when lecturers dress more officially (try to imagine a male lecturer in a sleeveless shirt).
    3) Bravo! I dream of being such a good presenter. I am simply jealous. It is doubtful that he can do this giving a subject (or 5) in a university all year round. But still, remarkable presenter. Professional visualizations/native english speaker.
    4) New Steve Jobs? Better than average Estonian conference speaker.
    5) I prefer when lecturers act and dress more officially/academically. Self confidence is the key for her. Good way to learn words for Scrabble.
    6) Elementary way to make a video lecture. Good visuals however. Quite static and made me very sleepy.
    7) The presentation is well structured and complemented by visual aids. I liked this presentation also because speaker spoke clearly and was up for the job. Presenter had appropriate looks for a conference speech.
