Sep 18, 2014

Video for our next meeting 20 Sept, posted by Sirje

I chose a video of a teacher explaining new vocabulary - how to use driving expressions.

I think this is an example of good teaching : speak clearly and not too fast, repeat, write the word, illustrate, give examples, be funny and emotional, use body language and a bit of acting. These methods help the learner to memorize new material and not to become bored.

Well done, Emma!


  1. A very good video for several reasons: 1) it has no specific setting, she is just talking and writing on a simple whiteboard 2) she's explaining some more specific vocabulary - which is something we all need to do with our students (whose native tongue will probably not be English) 3) a bit of humour (the text above the video > WARNING: Do not watch this English lesson whilst driving.)
    For me personally it's a bit too slow, but that's my problem :).

  2. Watching this video I could imagine being the student in this class. This is a good sign and means that I felt myself addressed by the teacher and by the message she wanted to deliver. The magic words are: writing and repeating, illustrating, giving examples, using body language etc. Britt
