Sep 23, 2014

Sept. 26. Online resources and teaching an item

My online favorites: Est-Eng-Est:
Eng-Eng:   (has its limits, as it's multililngual)
ametniku soovitussõnastik
Eesti keele ressursside loend
Terminiühingu ETER oskussõnastike kogu
Rahvusraamatukogu ajaveebi lingikogu - very thorough, not all links are functional any more unfortunately
Plants Estonian-Latin
TTÜ materjalitehnika instituudi terminitöö

Keeleveeb - eesti keelele (lemmatiseerija,
sõnavormide moodustaja

terminology, google: glossary art

education terminology 

Vikipeedia tõlkevõistlus

'all things' explained
Khan academy
Salman Khan introduction of the idea of Khan's academy

terminology from the Academy of Security Sciences:

Sources to the item about terminology and Kahn
The beginning (well, more or less, not word-fo-word):
Dear students, last week we discussed online dictionaries and glossaries and today we are going to move on and see what happens if you don’t find the word that you need in any of them. Which happens quite often, when you need specific terminology. Mostly it is easier to find the term online in English, as Estonian online databases are often not thorough enough.
To explain the difficulties, we are going to take a look at Louis Kahn’s work.
Why Kahn? Because it is interesting how he understood room and shapes, his ideas about concrete were very new in his time and one more reason for special interest for us - he has Estonian roots, he was born in Saaremaa. Sometimes it is even said the Kuressaare castle basic rectangle has influenced all his creative work.
And I’ll stress once again, I am not teaching you architecture, I’m teaching the language for studying architecture, or to be more precise, I’m trying to show you the path to getting help when you need the language of architecture in your studies and professional life.
Students: Civil Construction
Aim (for me)Working with terminology, sparkling interest in great architects . Aim for students: understanding how to work with online resources, especially parallel texts (or at least texts on the same topic) and what to do if there is no clear-cut answer; getting interested in Kahn's work.

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