Sep 17, 2014

Homework No. 1 by Riin KK


In my English lectures, I give my best to teach my students how to make an awesome presentation. One thing is to share the theory, other is to show them a real-life event and then explain on the go. 
     This video (see below) is a pretty good teaching material for many reasons and as I would like to keep it short and to the point, I am now going to focus on two pros and one con of the video example. 
     Firstly, he is obviously interested in his topic which he chose to present, and secondly, he is not afraid to use humour as a way to connect with the audience (successfully). 
     Nevertheless, he has still dug a nice grave for himself by not using the slides to help him to move on with his presentation. He only shows icons of his two applications he has developed, instead he could have used keywords as a helping outline for him to follow in case he forgets (and he does forget). Instead, he has a padlet in his arms which he is constantly using and for me this is disrupting the fluency and flow of his presentation.
     To sum up, if one is really interested in the topic and if one has the necessary knowledge of what he or she is going to talk about, it is possible to present it by heart.


  1. Good choice - I agree with Riin, especially that "One thing is to share the theory, other is to show them a real-life event and then explain on the go." It's not too long and it should be encouraging for students to see a teenager manage very well.

  2. Amazing, how good the youngsters can be! There is a lot to practice to gain that level.

  3. I totally agree with comments made by Ursula and René. A wonderful presentation regarding the young age of the presenter’s. Britt

  4. A wonderful presentation - a very confident young gentleman, knows the topic well and presents it in an enjoyable way!

